Here is the list of best Italian dog names for male and female dogs.
Male Italian Dog Names
- Carlo (manly)
- Fido (faithful)
- Angelo (angel)
- Toro (bull)
- Lorenz (laurel)
- Flavio (blond)
- Davide (beloved)
- Rocky
- Paolo (little)
- Roberto (fame)
- Apollo
- Francesco (French or free one)
- Cesare (long hair)
- Gucci (Italian brand)
- Nano (dwarf)
- Lazio (administrative region of Italy)
- Ambrosi (immortal)
- Christian
- Orlando (heroic)
- Pippino
- Elmo (worthy to be loved)
- Lucca (light)
- Egidio (squire)
- Ettore (loyal)
- Tito (giant)
- Benito (blessed)
- Lucio (light)
- Alberto (noble)
- Michelangelo (angel)
- Giorgio (farmer)
- Primo (first born)
- Raphael (God has healed)
- Leonardo (bold lion)
- Julius
- Gino (famous)
- Pio (pious)
- Antonio (beyond praise)
- Arturo (bear)
- Lupo (wolf)
- Diego
- Silvio (silver)
- Alessio (defender)
- Giovanni (gift from God)
- Giuseppe
- Ilario (cheerful)
- Santo (sacred)
- Riccardo
- Lorenzo (variant of Lorenz)
- Hannibal
- Ernesto (serious)
- Aria (melody)
- Dante (lasting)
- Mario (bitter)
- Bruno (brown hair)
- Stefano (crowned with laurels)
- Este (from the East)
- Alfredo (counselor of the elves)
- Adolfo
- Rafaello (God has healed)
- Piero (rock)
- Corrado (bold)
- Aldo (rich)
- Ricardo (firm ruler)
- Marco (warning)
- Enrico (rules the home)
- Leo (lion)
- Leone (bold lion)
- Ignazio (fiery)
- Matteo (gift of God)
- Luigi (famous warrior)
- Lanza (nobel)
- Romeo (pilgrim from Rome)
- Ruggero (famous spear)
- Guido (guide)
- Emilio (rival)
- Massimo (the greatest)
- Faust (lucky)
- Aberto (nobel)
- Enzo (same as Enrico)
- Donatello (gift)
- Renzo (laurel)
- Ugo (intelligent)
- Vito (Victor)
- Rocco (rest)
- Romano (from Rome)
- Pascal (born on Easter day)
- Gabriele (God given strength)
- Andrea (manly)
- Drago
- Thomas
- Fabio (bean grower)
- Rinaldo
- Elio
- Domenico (of the Lord)
- Giuliano (youthful)
- Tino (small)
- Tommaso (twin)
- Sergio (attendant)
- Pasquale (born of passover)
- Pietro (rock)
- Geronimo (sacred)
- Filippo
- Pluto
- Brando (brilliant raven)
- Valerio (brave, strong)
- Colombo (dove)
Female Italian Dog Names
- Greta (pearl)
- Marta (lady)
- Frida (beautiful, beloved)
- Agata (kind)
- Lunetta (little moon)
- Octavia (born eight)
- Baptiste (after John the baptist)
- Celia (heaven)
- Miriam (princess or lady)
- Bianca (white)
- Belladonna (beautiful lady)
- Viviana (alive)
- Pietra (rock)
- Cira (Sun)
- Clarice (clear)
- Elda (warrior)
- Terza (born third)
- Emma (whole or universal)
- Serena (serene)
- Antonia (priceless)
- Leonora (light)
- Federica (peaceful ruler)
- Martina (feminine form of Martin)
- Caprice (fanciful)
- Fabia (bean farmer)
- Pia (pious)
- Pippa (lover of horses)
- Gemma (jewel)
- Flavia (blond)
- Laura (satisfactory, sufficient)
- Simona (one who hears)
- Gabriella (God given strength)
- Cara (beloved friend)
- Mercedes (merciful)
- Nicola (people’s victory)
- Verdette (guardian)
- Bella (beautiful)
- Rosalia (rose)
- Alonza (battle ready)
- Donatella (given by God)
- Nocciolina (peanut)
- Rachelle (lamb)
- Valeria (strength, valor)
- Leola (lion)
- Giuliana (youthful)
- Teresa (harvester)
- Perla (pearl)
- Fausta (lucky)
- Rosa (rose)
- Francesca (French, or free one)
- Andria (manly)
- Ramona (protecting hands, protector)
- Margherita (daisy)
- Valentina (brave)
- Belinda (serpentine)
- Chiara (light, clear)
- Vittoria (victory)
- Isabella (consecrated to God)
- Beatrice (blesses)
- Zaza (belonging to all)
- Cameo (sculptured jewel)
- Cadenza (rhythmic)
- Roma (from Rome)
- Virginia (pure)
- Fortuna (fortune, fortunate)
- Angelica (angel)
- Liliana (lily)
- Giorgia (Italian feminine form of George)
- Gaia (Earth)
- Nicia (people’s victory)
- Cerelia (fertile)
- Baronessa (baroness)
- Aria (song or melody)
- Trista (sad)
- Mia (wished for child)
- Constanza (constant)
- Bellissa (fair; lovely one)
- Mona (lady)
- Ilaria (cheerful, happy)
- Rachele (lamb)
- Stella (star)
- Clariss (clear)
- Sara (princess, lady)
- Rosetta (little rose)
- Ghita (pearl)
- Olympia (from Olympus)
- Amalea (hard working)
- Ginevra (white shadow)
- Aletta (winged)
- Grazia (grace)
- Sofia (wise)
- Allegra (joyful)
- Paola (small)
- Carlotta (strong)
- Natala (born at Christmas)
- Irene (peace)
- Leona (lion)
- Violet (flower)
- Maria (bitter)
- Dona (lady)
- Aida (happy)
- Contessa (royalty)
- Ludovica (famous in war)
- Esta (from the east)
- Regina (queen)
- Rufina (red-haired)
- Viola (violet)
- Florence (city in Italy)
- Bruna (dark haired)
- Carmela (garden)
- Iniga (fiery)
- Renata (rebirth)
- Bambi (child)
- Catarina (pure)
- Silvana (forest)
- Anita (grace)
- Elisabetta (God of plenty)
- Benedetta (blessed)
- Alessia (defender)
- Rossella (derives from rose)
- Elena (light)
- Camila (young, virginal)
- Nives (white as snow)
- Giulia (youthful)
- Olivia (olive)
- Madonna (my lady)
- Angela (angel)
- Aurora (dazzling)
- Volante (flying)
- Matilde (powerful in battle)
- Giovanna (gift from God)
- Rosalie (rose)