A cross between Labrador and Pit Bull makes a medium-sized softies canine called Pitador, also known as, Lab-Pit, Labrabull, Pitador Retriever, Pit-Lab, Labrador-Pit Bull Mix, Lab pitbull mix, and Lab pit mix. They have energetic, loyal, and loving personalities that they got from both of their parents.
If you want to see more of their cuteness, here are 15 photos of them!
10+ Unreal Labrador Cross Breeds You Have To See To Believe
#1 Labrador pitbull puppy mix

#2 Black Labrabull.

#3 Pitbull lab mix puppy.

#4 Black lab pitbull mix.

#5 Pitbull lab dog mix.

#6 She’s a labrador mixed with a pitbull !

#7 Rey the Labrabull

#8 Her face makes me laugh!

#9 Pitbull and Lab mix

#10 Lab pit mix

#11 Labrabull

#12 I like to sunbathe but the shade is nice right now!
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