A cross between Pekingese and Poodle makes the cutest pooch to have landed on Earth called Pekepoos, also known as Pekapoo, Peke a Poo, Peke-A-Poo, or Peka-poo. They have loyal, affectionate, protective, and playful personalities that they got from both of their parents. Most importantly, they make great companions, and they'll be happy staying by your side.
If you want to see more of their cuteness, here are 20p12 photos of them!
These 20+ Unreal Pekingese Cross Breeds Will Make You Fall In Love With Mutts
15 Breathtaking Pekingese Chihuahua Mixes
The 15 Cutest Pekingese Shih Tzu Mixes
#1 Most Popular Mixed Breed Dogs/peekapoo

#2 This is a perfect companion dog!

#3 Owning this poodle mix is one of the best decisions you can make

#4 They are friendly, loyal and affectionate dogs.

#5 A cross between a Pekingese and a Poodle.

#6 Happy Birthday!

#7 That’s a nice bandanna!