If you're a fan of Labradors and want a laugh, then you're in the right place because we've gathered here a bunch of labrador jokes from the web that will surely make you smile.
Table of Contents
#1 Why don’t Labs bark at their feet?

#2 What happened when the Labrador Retriever went to the flea circus?

#3 What did the Labrador Retriever say to the garden?

#4 Why did the Labrador Retriever cross the road?

#5 Whats large grey and makes no difference to Labrador Retrievers?

#6 Did you hear the Lab pizza joke?

#7 Why dont Labrador Retrievers write with dull pencils?

#8 What do Labs call empty jars of cheese whiz?

#9 Whats a Labrador Retriever favorite musical instrument?

#10 What kind of dog does a mad scientist have?

#11 Why do Labs hate the rain?

#12 Who’s bigger: Mr. Bigger the Labrador Retriever, or Mr. Bigger’s baby?

#13 What does a Lab and my phone have in common?

#14 What do you call a cold Labrador Retriever?

#15 What happened when the Labrador Retriever swallowed a firefly?

#16 “Because he’s a damn liar. He never did any of that stuff.”

#17 Whats a Labrador Retriever favorite comedian?

#18 What happened when the cat won the Black Lab beauty contest?