If you love Basset Hounds and want a good laugh, then you’re in the right place! Here are 16 funniest Basset Hound jokes worth sharing.
Table of Contents
#1 What is worse than a basset hound howling at the moon?

#2 The girl: – I’d buy that dog, but his legs are too short!

#3 How can you make a basset hound fast?

#4 Why did the basset owner think his dog was a great mathematician?

#5 What side of the basset has the most fur?

#6 What dog sweats the most and drinks the most water?

#7 How many hairs are in a basset’s tail?

#8 What kind of dog sniffs out new flowers ?

#9 How did the basset make anti-freeze?

#10 What is the difference between a basset and a mailbox?

#11 What's a basset favorite hobby?

#12 When is the most likely time that a basset will walk into your house?

#13 What is a basset’s favorite food?

#14 What do you say to a basset before he eats?

#15 What dog takes the money and runs fast!

#16 Emma: Have you heard about the girl looking at a basset puppy in a pet shop. She’s a bit uncertain about the purchase?