A cross between Boston Terrier and Pitbull makes an adorable Pitbull Boston Terrier Mix. They have active, social, alert, even-tempered, and sweet personalities that they got from both of their ...
15 English Bull Terrier Wisdoms You Have To Know
Bull Terriers are awesome! It’s impossible not to have fun when hanging out with this goofy, lovable breed whose personality is as unique as its looks. Here are 14 dog wisdom that perfectly ...
90 Disney Dog Names for Male Dogs
Find the best male pet name by browsing our list of Disney dog names. Little Brother - from Mulan Desoto - from Oliver and Company Pluto - Mickey's dog Toby - The Great Mouse ...
16 English Bulldogs In Ridiculously Sleeping Positions
Whether dogs are awake or sleeping, they never fail to amuse us. However, with their weird positions, we sometimes wonder if they are really comfortable. Let these 16 English Bulldog's in ...
100 Hipster Girl Dog Names
Alma Matilda Daisy Scarlet Tess Lana Harley Sophie Tia Lexi Rogue Quinn Lila Callie India Liv Minnie River Taya Poppy Remedy Willa ...
150 Good Names for Orange Cats
Orange Male/Female Cat Name Ideas Dandy Lion Cheetah Salmon Carrots Sunflower Nacho Hocus Pocus Auburn Red Winnie Synominn Opie Sunshine OB for Orange ...
210 Dog Names that Start with P
Looking for the best dog names? Then look no further! Here is the complete list of popular male and female dog names that start with the letter P. Paccor Palomo Pancho Parre ...
14 Rottweilers That Will Happily Go On A Run
Because walking isn't enough for Rottweilers, running is their ultimate happiness and you can see it in their faces. Here are 14 Rottweilers showing us how to live in the moment and enjoy the ...
14 Reasons Cocker Spaniels Are The Worst Indoor Dog Breed Of All Time
If you are planning to adopt a puppy, get any breed EXCEPT Cocker Spaniels. They are just the perfect definition of a nightmare. These dog breeds may very well be on the top list of the worst dogs ...
145 Best Papillon Dog Names
Papillon male/female dog name ideas Penny Sadie Mite Sheba Brenda Duchess Little Boy Lily Gus Tucker Babydoll Riley Emma Simba Bella Foxy Missy ...
70 Popular Girl Dog Names
A list of popular girl dog names to use for finding the best name for your puppy! Annie Sadie Layla Maddie Zoe Kona Holly Lucy Cookie Sasha Molly Chloe ...
Poodle Guide: 14 Facts About The World’s Cutest, Curliest Dog Breed
If you've ever owned and loved a Poodle, you already know that Poodles have it all! They are smart, beautiful, and versatile. But there's more to them than their beauty and unique personality. Here ...
90 Cowboy Horse Names - Famous Western Horse Names
Tony Ii (Tom Mix) Silver Cloud (Hardy Murphy) Diablo (Cisco Kid) Flash (Eddie Dean) Allen’s Gold Zepher (Roy Rogers) Feather (Allan Lane) Koko (Rex Allen) Falcon (Buster Crabbe) ...
12 Things to Know Before You Get Golden Retrievers
Remember, the puppy stage only last for a couple of years. The bathroom training seems to be a great big challenge. But, it usually sinks in around the 4-6 month mark. And white rice will be your ...
15 Yorkshire Terrier Hairstyle Photos You Will Love
With Yorkshire Terriers' beautiful silk hair, many hairstyles will indeed look good on them. So, if you are going to take your Yorkie to the groomer or you want to do it yourself, here are 15 ...
14 Photos of Pugs That Could Play in The Movies
Did you know that PUGS are the clowns of the Canine World? If you are a Pug parent, then you are lucky to share a funny everyday life with these wonderful creatures! Here are 14 photos of them that ...
90 African Dog Names
Find the best pet name by browsing our list of African dog names. Adowa Thabisa Nata Baayo Nandi Bebile Moriti Buyisiwe Ane Afryea Amar Tezi Moyo ...
14 Reasons Huskies Are The Worst Indoor Dog Breed Of All Time
Introducing another threatening species: Huskies. We think Huskies may very well be on top of the worst dog breed of all time. We are warning you, do NOT let their mischievous and friendly face ...
12+ Best Dachshund Tattoo Designs
The love for the Dachshund companion does not just end with taking care of one. It goes way deeper, where many of their owners have even decided to keep them forever framed in their bodies – by ...
16 Reasons to Choose a Cocker Spaniel
Has Cocker Spaniel caught your eyes but still hesitant to get one? This is the sign you have been waiting for! We've listed 12 reasons why you should choose these wonderful creatures! #1 They stay ...
35+ Things Corgis Don’t Like
Corgis love to please us, but they love it when we please them, too. Loud noises Other dogs Thunder or gun shots Smoke The swiffer People Rain Clothes or his picture ...
14 Pomeranians Who Want To Cheer You Up
A happy dog never fails to make everything better! Especially if it's a Pomeranian! So, we've come up with a list of 14 Pomeranians who will put a smile on your face and brighten your day! #1 This ...
23 Brindle Pitbull Dog Names
Here is the complete list of brindle Pitbull dog names. Patches Spatter Camo Pip Streak Dotty Pepper Mottle Blur Blotch Freckles Splat Stripe Sprinkle ...
50 Mexican Dog Names for Female Dogs
Find the best female dog name by browsing our list of Mexican dog names. Ensenada Adriana Josefina Gordita Margarita Tequila Sangrita Guadalupe Francisca Tijuana ...