This article will help you pick the best military dog name for your German Shepherd puppy. Cheif Sergeant Kevlar Archer Beretta Reload Gauge Uzi Missile Private ...
32 Designer Cat Names
Kors Prada Champagne Juicy Barney Gucci Marc Gabbana Tiffany Dolce Chloe Coco Pucci Crystal Diamond Pippa Oscar Louis Tory Chanel Vera ...
120 Best Rat Terrier Dog Names
Rat Terrier male/female dog name ideas Toby Cassie Annie Tucker Siouxsie Buster Ruby Gaius Bobbi Sophie Pepper Brandy Jett Holly Charlie Scout ...
38 Tiger Cat Names
Gabby Red Tawny Sable Flabby Cinnamon Tabico Pebbles Goldy Patches Ember Dot Cinder Stoney Onyx Tabigail Garfield Ginger Marble Abby Freya ...
14 Things Every St Bernard Owner Should Know
Are you a St. Bernard Parent? Then this article is a must-read! Let's talk about the things that you should know as a St. Bernard owner. And for those who are still planning to have one, this is ...
20 Best American Shorthair Cat Names
Male American Shorthair Cat Names Blade Gavin Tigger Felix Coco Nugget Sammy Oliver Titan Aaron Female American Shorthair Cat Names Molly Maisy ...
14 Things to Know About the Bernese Mountain Dog by Heart
Bernese Mountain Dog comes from the canton of Bern, hence their name. These dog breeds are large and sturdy, with a friendly and calm personality. If Bernese dogs are well-trained, they make an ...
110+ Best Otterhound Dog Names
Otterhound male/female dog name ideas Gracie Abby Zara Lola Honey Sophie Zoe Charlie Jasmine Holly Ruby Sassy Candy Princess Kishi Rosie Misty ...
16 Reasons Why Your Jack Russells Stare at You
Just like humans and other dogs, Jack Russels stare into the eyes of someone they adore. There's a lot of reason why your Jack Russel stares at you and watches your every move. In this article, ...
95 Police Dog Names
Find the best pet name by browsing our list of police dog names. Partner Moose Olympia Indiana Prowler Bullet Sargent Glory Rex Alaska Colonel Diva ...
200 Best Tabby Cat Names
Male Tabby Cat Names Rufus Leonardo Victor Heathcliff Socks Leo Badger Felix Garfield Bumblebee Blade Sylvester Sable Sinbad Prince Bullseye ...
14 Regal Facts About The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
It's no secret that Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are the best pals you could ever ask for. They love playing and want nothing more than to cuddle with you on the sofa. But there's more to them that ...
120 Quirky Cat Names
Quirky Male Cat Names Grayson Neo Jeckyll Pele Nixon Windsor Maurice Einstein Atticus Andretti Lincoln Emperor Woodrow Gandalf Cupertino (Cooper) ...
10 Bull Terriers Ready To Celebrate And Ring In The New Year
It’s almost time to celebrate New Year’s Eve, and some bull terriers are staying up past bedtime to party with us! Here are 10 photos of them ready to celebrate and ring in the new ...
25 Adorable Apple Head Chihuahua Dogs
Before you delight yourself with these cutest apple head Chihuahuas, let me share with you few things about them. An apple head chihuahua is not its own breed. They are a variety of chihuahua with ...
90 Strong Female Dog Names
A list of strong female dog names to use for finding the perfect name for your puppy! Raven Indiana (Indy) Koda Amethyst Diva Justice Tiger Laika Codex Kitana ...
15 Jack Chis That Will Make You Fall In Love With Mutts
A cross between the Chihuahua and the Jack Russell Terrier makes an adorable offspring called Jack Chi, also known as Jackahuahua or Jackhuahua. They have friendly, faithful, energetic, and playful ...
Top 100 Best Yorkie Names for Boy Dogs
Lucca Frankie Fletcher Woody Sammy Ned Preston Mickey Paco Otto Jake Marquis Natan Ozzie Buddy Scooter Lukas Max Logan Jackson Oliver Chico Tracker Zack ...
14 Reasons Dachshunds Are The Worst Indoor Dog Breed Of All Time
Introducing another threatening species: Dachshunds . We think Dachshunds may very well be on top of the worst dog breed of all time. We are warning you, do NOT let this little pooch with their ...
190 Australian Dog Names
Find the best pet name by browsing our list of Australian dog names. Willow Annie Jezebel Moose Candy Bailey Gracie Juno Storm Heidi Cupid Rudy Cinder ...
24 Celebrities with Pit Bulls
Because Pit Bulls make excellent companions, it's no surprise that celebrities love them too! Here are 24 celebrities living their celebrity life their Pit Bulls. #1 Fiona Apple #2 Michael J. ...
14 Funny Pictures Proving That Chow Chow are The Cutest
We want to share with you our obsession with these Chow Chows because their cuteness is just too much to handle! Here are 15 funny photos of Chow Chow proving that they are the absolute cutest!❤️ #1 ...
115 Perfect Black and White Dog Names for Your New Puppy
Pepper Bella Matilda Trixie Barcode Pixel Dotty Zigzag (Ziggy) Sprinkles Stripy Cloud Whoopie Magpie Storm or Stormy Adele Zebra Skylar Cookie Coco Aurora ...
14 Reasons to Take Your Schnauzer with You on a Car Trip
While we humans like to wander and have car rides, but Schnauzers love it! From Putting their heads out in the window and enjoying the sunlight in their faces, and sitting by your side to help you ...