The smallest bird in the world, hummingbirds. Because these birds are small, they have to work hard to survive, making people since ancient times fascinated, and up to this day, they became the symbol ...
50 Good Male Dog Names
Search through our list of good male dog names to find the perfect name for your puppy. Baxter Hunter George Simba Harley Koda Peanut Brody Benji Rex Teddy ...
The 12 Happiest Pugs Will Make Your Day
We want to share our love for pugs with the rest of the world because... why not? With Pug's playful and easygoing personality, they sure can make anyone's day! Here are 12 happiest photos of ...
14 Rat Terriers Mixed With Jack Russell
A cross between aRat Terrier and Jack Russell makes a feisty offspring called Jersey Terrier or Jack-Rat. They are small-sized dogs with fearless, alert, and ready for anything personalities they got ...
15 Facts Why Basset Hounds Are the Best Pets for Every Dog Lover!
All dogs are adorable, but if you want a gentle, calm, and laid-back dog who'll happily lounge around your home, a Basset Hound might be what you're looking for! Want to know more about this breed? ...
14 Funny Beagles Who Are Like You
There's a reason why Beagle chose you and not the other way around. With the bond that you and your Beagle have created, it's no surprise that they become like you too! Here are 14 funny beagles ...
14 Pictures That Prove That Beagles are the Best Friends In The World
Have Beagles caught your attention but still hesitant to get one? Then this article is for you! Who would dare to resist this dog? With their dark brown eyes and pleading expression, it would be ...
18 Shih-Tzus Mixed With Pug
A cross between Shih Tzu and Pug makes a small offspring called Pug-Zu. They have friendly, sweet, loving, and occasionally stubborn personalities that they got from both of their parents. If you ...
100 White Female Cat Names
Fiona Ivy Daisy Tofu Daisy Lily Coral Blanche Viola Storm Rose Peppermint Patty Lily Nova Magnolia Belle January Hope Love Bianca Coco ...
160 Best Puppy Names
The best cute puppy names are ones that make you go “aww” when they’re a tumbling puppy. But also grow with them as they make the journey to adult dog-hood. Blue Gus Arthur Emily ...
160 Best Hunting Dog Names
Apache Ranger Remington (Remy) Gunner Musket Olympia Annie Ziggy Mauser Shadow Bill Willow Finn Maverick Chaser Cricket Roxy Blackie Target ...
100+ Best Norwegian Lundehund Dog Names
Norwegian Lundehund male/female dog name ideas Oscar Bandit Pepper Beau Sparky Lucky Sam Shadow Rusty Casey Ragnor Rogue Sabre Charlie Jack Ben ...
46 Small White Dog Names
Chalky Luna Dove Puff Flakey Bianca Vapor Yuki Cupcake Lux Milky Prince Jasmine Fluffy Peony Whisper Pearl Ghost Casper Biscuit Anjo ...
14 Cutest Chinese Crested Dogs around the World
We want to share with you our obsession with Chinese Crested Dogs because their cuteness is too much to handle! So here are the 14 cutest Chinese Crested Dogs around the world. #1 I love my new teddy ...
20+ Foods Pugs Go Crazy For
Help! Pugs are CRAZY about food… Asparagus Peanut butter Pizza crust Eggs Watermelon Macaroni cheese Raw potatoes Chicken breast and Bacon Rotisserie chicken Hot ...
14 Photos That Confirm Just How Catty Pitbulls Are
We think Pitbulls are furious dogs. They strike us with their force and muscles. And maybe these dogs are always ready for a deadly attack. You don't know what they can do, and we advise you not to ...
90 Pop Culture Cat Names
Butch ( The Incredible Shrinking Man ) Rajah ( Aladdin ) Floyd ( Ghost ) Lucky ( ALF ) Hobbes ( Calvin And Hobbes ) Pixel ( The Cat Who Walks Through Walls ) Heathcliff ( Heathcliff ...
50 One Eyed Cat Names
Cat'hun Solidus Moggy Cap'n Cute Lefty Sniper Baron Scratches Dan Patches Snake The Governor Bradley Hicks Sheldon Arrow Crookshanks Admiral Fuzz ...
140 Game of Thrones Dog Names
Find the best pet name by browsing our list of Game of Thrones dog names. Morghul Clegane Jorah Tyrion Oberyn Pycelle The Hound Drogo Rast Tywin Osha Summer ...
17 Celebrities Who Own German Shepherds
Because German Shepherds make excellent companions, it's no surprise that celebrities love them too! Here are 17 celebrities who own German Shepherds. #1 Ben Affleck #2 Dylan Rieder #3 ...
65 Literary Dog Names
Find the best pet name by browsing our list of literary dog names. Lorca (poet Federico García) Francie (A Tree Grows in Brooklyn) Story Gandalf (The Hobbit) Kerouac (On the ...
115 Big Dog Names
A list of big dog names to use for finding the perfect name for your puppy! Nanook Reese Denali Electra Dempsey Yogi Savannah Althea Natasha Taka Saber ...
17 DC Comic Dog Names
Find the best pet name by browsing our list of DC comic dog names. Ace Comet The Flash Lois Aquaman Krypto Martha Kara Wonder Woman Batman Kasumi Orin ...
25 Cute Long Haired Jack Russell Terrier Pictures
You might be wondering, what is a Long Haired Jack Russell Terrier ? Does it even exist? Yes, these cuties exist, and they are absolutely cute! In this article, we want to share with you our ...