Luna Daisy Riley Abby Princess Peanut Gigi Kona Bee Lolita Naomi Elsa Sadie Penny Josie Fiona Beatrice Clara Oreo Cleo Pearl Sophie Zoey Roxy Harper ...
30 Creative Dog Names
Search through our list of creative dog names to find the perfect name for your puppy. Georgia Frida Harmony Tater Tot Artoo Dogtoo Sitka Buzz Pawldrin Diego Sativa ...
150 French Dog Names
Find the best pet name by browsing our list of French dog names. Isabel Leroux — red head Emile — industrious Matisse Chevalier Patrice Aimeé — friend, beloved Jeanette ...
12 Reasons Why Your Pekingese Stares at You
Like humans, Pekingese and dogs generally look into their owner's eyes to express different kinds of expression. There's a lot of reasons why your Pekingese is staring at you, and we broke them ...
47 Native American Names for Female Dogs
Find the best female pet name by browsing our list of Native American dog names. Niaran - Five Helki - Touch Hateya - Make tracks; press with the foot Kasa - Dressed in furs Nistu ...
36 Dogs Mixed With Jack Russell Terriers
If you’re a fan of the Jack Russell Terrier, you’re sure to love this list of Jack Russell mix-breed dogs. You may like: 14 Jack Russell Terriers Mixed With Pug 15 Jack Russell Terriers Mixed ...
15 Best Tattoo Ideas For Pomeranian Lovers
Pomeranian dog looks like a fluffy cloud of happiness. Owners of such dogs want to spend every minute with them! And even more - they prefer to have an image of their favorite pet on their ...
39 Dogs Mixed With Pugs
With Pugs' humorous personalities and cute looks, they are often mixed with other breeds! Here are 39 photos of dogs mixed with Pugs. Related: 15 Pugs Mixed With Dachshund #1 Corgi ...
21 of the Best Boxer Dog Memes
Corgis have taken over the internet with their sense of humor and sweet personality but did you know know that they were originally bred as guard dogs? Fast forward today; they make loving family ...
14 of the Best Basset Hound Memes
Basset Hounds have taken over the internet with their floppy ears and charming, sad eyes. But did you know that they were initially bred for hunting rabbits? Fast forward today, they make laid-back ...
22 of the Best Samoyed Dog Memes
Samoyed Dogs has taken over the internet with their famous "Sammy Smile" and their happy, good-natured personality. But did you know that they were bred to hunt, haul sledges, and herd reindeer during ...
12 Celebrities Who Are Major Great Dane Lovers
Because Great Danes make excellent companions and truly live with their title as the "Gentle Giants," it's no surprise that celebrities love them too! Here are 12 Celebrities who are major Great ...
23 Reasons Why You Should Never Own Schnauzers
If you are planning to adopt a puppy, get any breed EXCEPT Schnauzers. Don't let these charming bearded creatures fool you. They are terrifying, and we want to save you from making a horrific ...
15 Famous Black Cat Names in Movies
1. Socks 2. Catwoman 3. Felix 4. The Cat 5. Sylvester 6. Rocky 7. Cole 8. Snowball 9. Blackie 10. Bagheera 11. Salem 12. Figaro 13. Lucifer 14. Binx 15. Pluto ...
15 Funny Expressions Every Boxer Dog Parent Will Instantly Recognise
Boxer dogs have mastered the ability to do different facial expressions. As a result, every Boxer parent immediately knows what they want to say. Heads up, Boxer parents, tell us how many on the ...
15 Fascinating Pictures Of Wolves
With so many amazing things to know about wolves, let's scroll down first to see how fascinating they are! Here are 15 photos of them. #1 Incredible? #2 Gently❤ #3 Thrillingly #4 ...
70 Black and White Male Cat Names
Joey Leo Patch Jack Snoopy Henry Elvis Print Charlie Chaplin Alex Charlie Zorro Sylvester Clark Panda Jake Moonpie Wes Pinstripe Patches ...
17 Reasons Boxer Dogs Are The Champions Of Our Hearts
Squared-jawed and muscular, with humor and underlying sweetness, it's no wonder Boxer Dogs won our hearts! Here are 17 reasons why Boxer Dogs are the champion of our hearts. Heads up, Boxer ...
14 Amazing Bull Terrier Mixes That Will Melt Your Heart
Are you a fan of Bull Terriers? Well, who isn't? Yorkshire Terriers are known for their unique head muscular build and fun-loving nature. But, most importantly, they make affectionate members of the ...
23 Reasons Why You Should Never Own Corgis
If you are planning to adopt a puppy, get any breed EXCEPT Corgis. This creature is a nightmare, they send shivers down your spine, and we want to save you from making a horrific mistake. To ...
23 Reasons Why You Should Never Own Basset Hounds
We are warning you, DO NOT adopt Basset Hounds. They are the worst, spine-shivering dog breeds of all time. After so much brainstorming, we have finally decided to forward some arguments to prove ...
40 Best Toys for Pugs
Anything which is not a toy! Because they’re Pugs! Socks, water bottles, towels Toilet rolls and thongs A furry cat toy Water bottles and rope Lamb chop Anything fluffy ...
37 Best Toys for Boston Terriers
Empty water bottles An empty plastic water bottle (with label and top removed) Plastic bone Anything that they can chase and squeaks Rope toys Jolly ball Potatoes Everything ...
16 Signs Your Labrador Is The Best Dog Ever
While Labradors are currently one of the most popular dogs in the world, many people find them the best dog breed ever! This breed has so many great attributes making it hard to narrow down the ...