Chow Chow male/female dog names Simba Gus Harry Nipper Peanut Pip Itsy-Bitsy Tiny Titch Chico Bonsai Midget Mite Dinky Pumpkin Goober Max Buddy ...
27 Cute Pictures Of Boston Terriers Begging For Food
With Boston Terrier's big brown begging eyes and pleading paws, it's enough to melt the hardest of hearts. They are the cutest beggars you'll ever have. Don't you agree? Here are 27 funny photos of ...
14 Incredible Facts About Toy Fox Terriers
Every dog breed has some unique, interesting history, but you'll surely be surprised about these Toy Fox Terriers. From their origin up to their personality, here are 14 incredible facts about Toy Fox ...
Top 140 Tough Dog Names for Girl Dogs
Cher Trinity Hera Attila Blaze Willow Echo Artemis Jojo Daenerys Sassy Kitana Sheba Codex Medusa Roxy Yuna Courtney Rogue Astra Valkyrie Akita Ronan ...
25 Of The Most Amazing White Border Collie Images Ever
Have you asked, "Are there completely or almost white Border Collies?" Yes! But they are rare. In this article, we'll show you 25 photos of amazing white Border Collies that we compiled from all ...
70 Best Balinese Cat Names
Male Balinese Cat Names Angus Gavin Simba Aaron Gizmo Ollie Tommy Olley Oswald Leo Max Manoj Charlie Buddy Milo Titan Toby Jasper ...
16 Celebrity Dachshund Dog Names
What is the best thing about getting a new pooch? First, you get to do the most important part- picking the perfect name! Dog parents, just as these 16 Celebrities in this article, uniquely named ...
16 Adorable Black Basset Hound Pics You Will Love
Floppy ears, sad pleading expression, and with calm and steady nature, who wouldn't want a dog like Basset Hound? But what if we tell you they also come in black color? Wouldn't it be perfect? A ...
17 Hillarious Boxers That Will Brighten Your Day
Boxers are awesome dogs with two different sides. On one side, they are amazingly athletic guard dogs, but behind that muscular and robust appearance is a dog with a sense of humor and sweetness that ...
20 Famous Labrador Names - Celebs & Retrievers
The most exciting part about having a new puppy is to name them finally, but with all the ideas you could think of and all the internet offers, it gets overwhelming. That's why in this article, we've ...
26 Cute Pictures of Miniature Great Danes
You might be wondering, a miniature Great Dane? Does it even exist? Yes, they do, and they are the absolute cutest! We want to share with you our obsession with these cuties because they're just ...
70+ Best Barbet Dog Names
Male/female Barbet dog name ideas Max Buddy Jack Scout Charlie Sully Odie Coach Alfie Brody Milo Cooper Leo Ernie Chase Chewie Mickey ...
16 Celebrities Who Are Major Boxer Dog Lovers
Because Boxer Dogs make an excellent companion, it's no surprise that celebrities love them too! Here are 16 celebrities who are major Boxer Dog lovers. #1 Tom Hardy #2 Justin Timberlake #3 ...
18 Pics That Prove Boxer Dogs Are Not The Funniest Dogs Everyone Says They Are
Seriously, why does everyone say Boxers are humorous? We think boxers aren't that funny at all! To support this argument, we have decided to list 18 pics to prove that Boxers are not the funniest ...
50 Celtic Cat Names
Celtic Male Cat Names Cormac – son Rys – ardor, enthusiasm Gallagher – foreign helper Doyle – dark stranger Finnegan – fair or white Murphy – sea warrior Kieran – little dark ...
130 Creative Irish Dog Names
Find the best pet name by browsing our list of creative irish dog names. Liam Anna Mckenzie Codie (Helpful) Nile (Champion) Brigid (The high one, or strength) Kevin ...
27 English Bull Terriers Sleeping In Totally Ridiculous Positions
Whether dogs are awake or sleeping, they never fail to amuse us. With their weird positions, we sometimes wonder if they are really comfortable. Let these 27 English Bull Terriers' ridiculously ...
30 Pomeranians Mixed With Shih Tzu
A crossbreed between a Pomeranian and Shih Tzu makes an adorable Pom-shi, also known as Pom-Tzu, Shi-Pom, Shih-Pom, Shih A Pom, or Shiranian. They are small and loyal dogs who like to get lots of love ...
14 Super Tips For Choosing A Poodle Puppy
The poodle is a smart, small-sized dog that can come in shades of solid colors, which include; white, black, gray, and apricot. It is actually thought of as being one of the most intelligent breeds of ...
16 Things All Jack Russell Owners Must Never Forget
Don't take your Jack Russells for granted. Give your dog the best in their short life. To help you do that, here are 16 things you must never forget. #1 Thunder buddies, for life! #2 It’s hard to ...
80 Hungarian Dog Names
Here is a collection of Hungarian male/female dog names. Hungarian Male Dog Names Ervin (Friend of the sea) Lazlo (Great ruler) Boldisar (Prince of splendor) Sandor (Defender of ...
15 Chic Tattoo Designs for Dachshund Fans
Dachshund is a friendly and very easy-going doggie. No wonder owners love them so much to get something permanent, such a tattoo! We have found 15 chic Dachshund tattoo designs for you. We hope you'll ...
150 Best Red Dog Names
Rusty Apple Mahogany Keegan (Irish for “fiery”) Sundance Comet Shiraz Sorrell Rudy Magenta Poppy Rooibos Radish Hunter Sunset Rose / Rosie Cabernet ...
17 Pics That Prove Golden Retrievers Are Not The Funniest Dogs Everyone Says They Are
Seriously, why is everyone so obsessed with these creatures? We think Golden Retrievers are atrocious animals and not very funny at all! Those who think otherwise obviously don't know the whole truth ...