If you have ever loved and owned a St. Bernard dog, you know that these dogs are adorable. But you can't deny the fact that they have certain drawbacks too. They are problematic dogs, and there are ...
10 Reasons Why You Should Never Own Horses
Seriously, why is everyone so obsessed with these creatures? We think horses are atrocious animals. We have decided to forward proofs to support this argument. Here are 10 reasons why you should ...
15 Funny Labrador Memes That Will Make Your Day!
Labradors have taken over the internet with their sweet, friendly, intelligent, and gentle personality. People find them so adorable and entertaining that memes about them always get viral. In this ...
15 Funny Chihuahua Memes That Will Make Your Day!
Chihuahuas have taken over the internet with their bold and confident personality, and their unique size but did you know know that they can be effortlessly funny too? In this article, we're going ...
14 Pictures Proving That Shih Tzus are The Best Models Ever
Made solely to be a companion, Shih Tzus make the best models too! With their flat face, big round eyes, and flowing hair, it's impossible not to become an instant fan of them. In this article, we're ...
23 Signs You're A Boxer Dog
Have you ever asked yourself, "Am I a boxer dog?" Well, here are some telltale signs that you are, and in fact, have the best genes around! Don't you agree? #1 Socks are better for playing.. #2 ...
14 Reasons Border Collies Are The Worst Indoor Dog Breed Of All Time
Introducing another threatening species: Border Collies. We think Border Collies may very well be on top of the worst dog breed of all time. We are warning you, do NOT let their sweet face ...
12 Reasons Why Own A Pug Is The Worst Idea You Could Ever Have
If you are planning to adopt a puppy, get any breed EXCEPT Pugs. They may have sad eyes and adorable faces but don't let that fool you into adopting them. You don't know the whole truth! Here are ...
35 Sister Cat Names
Paris and Nicole Lisa and Maggie Kate and Allie Matilda & Mara Waltz and Matilda Malta and Creta Britta and Shirley Autumn and Summer Mirabelle and Eleanor Betty and ...
15 Trendy Great Dane Halloween Costumes
Halloween is just around the corner! These 15 Trendy Great Dane Halloween Costumes will surely make your dog the spookiest and most adorable scary monster in the crowd. Related: 60+ Costumes That ...
100+ Famous Cat Names in History
Spook (Top Cat) Kitty White (Hello Kitty) Leo (The MGM lion) Duchess (Babe) Koko & Yum Yum (The Cat Who Had 60 Whiskers) Pyewacket (Bell Book And Candle) Jones or "Jonesy" ...
15 Funny Bulldog Memes That Will Make Your Day!
Bulldogs have taken over the internet with their sweet, dependable, and gentle disposition qualities. They make wonderful pets and love children the most. In this article, we will share some ...
12 Common Pomeranian Dog Haircuts
Is it time for your pooch's haircut? Whether you want to do it yourself or leave it to the professional groomer, here are some Pomerian haircut ideas that you and your Pompom will love for sure! #1 ...
15 Funny Pictures Proving That Persian Cats are Evil
Are Persian Cats evil and mean? Does their grumpy face show their real personality? We hate to say this, but Persian Cats are evil creatures! Why? We'll prove it to you in this article. #1 Will ...
14 Funny Pictures Proving That Weimaraners have Great Sense of Humor
While Weimaraners are known to be the best at hunting deer and bears, did you know that they are also excellent family companions who make their people smile and laugh? You might be wondering how? ...
33 Celebrities Who Own Pit Bulls
Because Pit Bulls makes excellent companions, it's no surprise that celebrities love them too! Here are 13 Celebrities who share their life with a Pit Bull! #1 Rachael Ray #2 Danny Trejo #3 ...
25 Cutest Black and White Great Dane Pictures Ever
Great Dane dogs exist in a wide variety of coat colors. While all colors look splendid on them, we'll recognize the Black and White Great Dane in this article. A Black and White Great Dane comes in ...
110+ Best Norwich Terrier Dog Names
Norwich Terrier male/female dog name ideas Amber Bella Cinders Empress Bobbi Chloe Emma Sandy Lily Penny Maddy Pepper Sheba Tasha Baby Cleo ...
15 Funny Corgi Memes That Will Make Your Day!
Corgis have taken over the internet with their comical, cuddly, and capricious personalities, but did you know they were pets of warriors during ancient times? Fast forward today; they seem less like ...
25 Cute Pictures of Merle Great Danes
We want to share with you our obsession with these cuties because they're just too much handle! So here are 25 Merle Great Danes that are cute as can be. #1 It's going to be fun they said... #2 ...
16 Funny German Shepherd Memes That Will Make Your Day!
German Shepherds has taken over the internet with their highly intelligent and trainable personality who would thrive in almost anything he is trained to do, and did you know know that they served as ...
The 138 Best Country Dog Names
Find the best pet name by browsing our list of country dog names. Whitney Lucky Wynonna Ziggy Penny Rosie Cricket Annie Boomer Marley Cooper Mason ...
14 You Just Made My Day Pekingese Pictures
Intelligent, affectionate, friendly, and with a long and interesting history. If you have a Pekingese, what more could you ask for? Here are 14 photos of Pekingese who will never fail to make your ...
14 Incredible Facts About Bobtails That You Didn’t Know
Has Bobtails caught your attention? Why wouldn't it? Under the shaggy coat of this dog hides a wayward fun animal with perseverance and innate shepherd instincts. Bobtail or Old English Sheepdog loves ...