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Owner Leaves Dog For Quick Trim, Returns To Heartbreak

What was supposed to be a simple nail trim turned into a pet owner's worst nightmare. AJ Ross dropped off her 11-year-old poodle Kobe at PetSmart for what should have been a quick, routine service.
She wanted to stay with her furry friend during the appointment. "When I brought him in, I asked if I could stay, because he was just the type of dog that he liked to see where I was at all times," Ross told PEOPLE.
The store wouldn't let her stay. "They told me because of COVID I couldn't stay in the grooming area," she explained.
Something Wasn't Right
When Ross came back to pick up Kobe, she immediately felt something was wrong. A manager had to walk her into the building.
What she saw next broke her heart. Kobe was lying "motionless" on the table.
"He looked lifeless," Ross said. "He didn't even look like he was breathing."
The Terrible Truth Comes Out
PetSmart workers tried to tell Ross that Kobe had just fainted. But the worried pet mom wasn't buying it.
She managed to get her hands on the store's security footage. What she saw was absolutely horrifying.
The video showed employees had restrained Kobe in a way that left him dangling above the grooming table by his neck.
A Dog's Final Moments Caught On Camera
"He has no stability so he's hanging by his neck and he starts to writhe and twist in pain because he can't get any air, and they're not paying him any attention," Ross explained while describing the awful scene.
The workers seemed completely unaware of Kobe's distress. "They just keep on going…It's horrific to watch and [after a minute] he goes limp," she said.
The poor poodle was left hanging until it was too late. "They never put his feet down until after he goes limp," Ross shared.
Justice For Kobe
All four PetSmart employees involved in the incident have now been charged with animal cruelty. But legal consequences can't bring Kobe back to his heartbroken owner.
Ross is speaking out about what happened to her beloved pet. She wants to make sure no other animals suffer the same fate.
She's been brave enough to share the painful story with the world.
A Mission To Protect Other Pets
"My horrific experience at PetSmart has been excruciating to recap publicly," Ross wrote on Instagram. She's determined to make something positive come from her loss.
She hopes her story will lead to change. "I sincerely hope in sharing my story it will lead to better grooming training practices and increased transparency and oversight," she said.
Ross has one clear goal in mind: "So no one else has to endure a pain like this."
The charges against the PetSmart employees send a clear message. Animal cruelty won't be tolerated, even when it happens at a major pet store chain.
Kobe's story is a heartbreaking reminder to pet owners everywhere. Always trust your instincts when it comes to the care of your furry family members.