Gentle-natured, highly intelligent, and playful – It's no wonder the Beagle has been firmly positioned as one of the top ten most popular breeds in North America for the last 30 years.
If you love Beagles you’ll love these Beagle facts and info! Here are 14 Beagle facts that will amuse and amaze you.
Table of Contents
#1 Beagles are thousands of years old

#2 Beagles were pocket-sized

#3 Beagles are one of the most vocal dog breeds

#4 Beagle means “Loudmouth” in french

#5 Beagles have a white-tipped tail

#6 The Beagle is a pop culture icon

#7 They have a pack mentality

But this mean that Beagle don't like to being left alone for long time. Some Beagles to display anxious tendencies when left alone, such as destroying furniture or tearing down windows to get out of the house.
#8 The Beagle’s nose knows all

The Beagle's nose is so perceptive at differentiating between scents, it can actually be trained to recognize as many as 50 different smells. Because of this, Beagles are commonly used in security and law enforcement to illegal materials.
#9 Beagles are a scent hound

Indeed, the area in the brain dedicated to making sense of smells, is way larger in the do much like having a faster processor in a computer.
#10 Beagles are the ‘Goldilocks’

These guys love to have fun and are great around kids (when treated with respect). They are not too aggressive or too timid, friendly but not fawning, and energetic but lazy at times.
#11 They’re very popular in the US

For decades insurance companies have compiled statistics on which dog breeds are most popular in the US.For around 30 years, the Beagle is consistently in the Top Ten charts. In 2017 and 2018 our vocal fur-friend ranked steady at number six. Top place went to the Labrador.
#12 Beagle Fans

#13 Beagles are low shedding dogs

#14 Beagles are escape artists