Find the best dog name for dogs that are not real smart.
- Flakey
- Sweet Pea
- Yeti
- Marbles
- Dewey
- Bubba
- Ozzy
- Pooh
- Chucky
- Bamboo
- Barkley
- Noodles
- Jim
- Bimbo
- Duke
- Artoo Dogtoo
- Pudding
- Homer
- Hashtag
- Sneakers
- Eggroll
- Buzz Pawldrin
- Hammerhead
- Sprite
- Chewbacca (Chewy)
- Bimbette
- Otis
- Biff
- BamBam
- Brunhilda
- Smudge
- Bacon (Sir Francis)
- Zed
- Nugget
- Howie
- Buffy
- Tater Tot
- Reeses Puppycups
- Huckleberry
- Pokemon
- Hairy Pawter
- Bimbi
- Muttley Crue
- Ding Bat
- Moxie
- Waldo
- Widget
- Barbie
- Clive
- Fabio
- Nacho
- Dude
- Puppaccino
- Barney
- Dillon
- George
- Sluggish
- Toast
- Bubbette
- Zippy
- Gunther
- Pancakes
- Pup Tart
- Yoda
- Doris
- Chocolate Chip
- Elvis
- Bo-Bo
- Dipstick
- Butterball
- Sugar Pie
- Milkshake
- Blondie
- Dobby
- Dizzy
- Winnie
- Mister
- Beau-Dacious
- Noodles
- Frodo
- Waffles
- Brian
- Woofer
- Turnip
- Bitsy