12 Adorable Facts About Sloths Published: Aug 28, 2018 by Podkolzina Sonia · This post may contain affiliate linksHere are 12 adorable facts about one of nature’s slowest but sweetest animals, sloths! #1 Sloths don’t smell. #2 An ancient ancestor of the sloth, called Megatherium was the size of an elephant. #3 .Even though they look kind of like monkeys, their closest relatives include anteaters and armadillos. #4 Algae even grows on their fur! #5 Sloths only urinate/defecate once a week. #6 Female sloths are normally pregnant for seven to 10 months and will only give birth to one baby. #7 Baby sloths in the wild stay with their mothers until they are roughly a year old. #8 Adult sloths can be 60-80 cm long and weigh from 3.6 to 7.7 kilograms. That’s the perfect size for cuddling! #9 Sloths are solitary creatures who only gather to mate. #10 Sloths don’t make much noise. In fact, the only sound two-fingered sloths make is a hissing noise when they are scared. #11 Sloths’ primary predators include eagles, snakes, and jaguars. #12 Sloths are most often killed by climbing on poorly insulated electrical wires, or being hit by cars. « 21+ Gifts For Corgi Lovers14 Best Halloween Costumes for Border Collies »