Basset Hounds have taken over the internet with their placid, relaxed, and affectionate personality but did you know know that they were bred for hunting rabbits during ancient times? Fast forward today; they're laid-back family friends who love to lounge and sleep all day.
In this article, we're going to spread some good laughs with these 19 Best Basset Hound Memes of the Month!
#1 And Your Point Is?

#2 Where Have You Been?

#3 Chin up!

#4 I poop in the house and he loses his mind

#5 I’d be guilty as charged…

#6 Uh, Mom, something happened to your cookie..

#7 No matter how crappy your day is..

#8 I don’t always sit on my ass all day..

#9 Don’t kiss me…

#10 A basset has the longest ears, in the canine world