A cross between a Chihuahua and Schnauzer makes a loving offspring Schnauchi, also known as Schnauhuahua, Schnizer or Chizer. They have loyal, sweet, gentle, and cuddly, and active personalities that they got from both of their parents.
If you want to see more of their cuteness, here are 25 photos of them!
#1 Cute Schnauchi

#2 Schnauhuahua dog

#3 Cute Chizer

#4 Schnauchi dog

#5 Schnauhuahua

#6 Adorable Schnauchi

#7 Cute Schnauhuahua

#8 Schnizer dog

#9 Cute Schnizer

#10 Schnizer face


#12 Chihuahua / Miniature Schnauzer Mixed Breed Dog

#13 Chihuahua / Schnauzer Mixed Breed Dog

#14 Chizer

#15 I love my new pillow
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#16 Too cute not to share
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