Here are few things that shelter/rescue workers and dog trainers everywhere would like people to understand about the famous Labrador.
So before jumping in and getting yourself a Labrador, you probably think they are the perfect dog because they are popular. Well, they aren't for numerous reasons.
This article will tell you 22 things we wish everyone knew before getting a Labrador.
#1 Labs require a lot of exercises

#2 They shed A LOT!

#3 Labradors are big dogs..

#4 Labs stay in the puppy stage for years..

#5 Labradors require a lot of attention

#6 Labradors are found on every corner and parking lot

#7 Because they are so friendly, Labs can make poor guard dogs

#8 Labs are not clean dogs..

#9 Labradors are not the best lap dogs

#10 As retrievers, these dogs like to chew

#11 They are genetically disposed to obesity

#12 Others will be jealous of your dog

#13 It is very hard to say “No” to Labs

#14 Labradors are needy and will often be in your way..

#15 Although they are a great family dog, Labs were bred to be a working dogs..

#16 Traveling with Labs is difficult..

#17 Feeding Labradors is expensive..

#18 Labs can develop a tendency to jump..

#19 Labradors can tear up your backyard..

#20 Pee spots in your house..

#21 Labs are a single dog demolition team on flower beds

#22 Labrador ownership takes work!

The truth is, Labs are not for everyone.