If you are planning to adopt a puppy, get any breed EXCEPT German Shepherd. There are few things that you need to know about them that you need to take seriously.
We think these creatures are so vicious and unpredictable that they don't make a good pet.
To support this argument, we decided to forward 21 reasons why you should never have such creatures as your pet.
#1 They don’t make good lapdogs.

#2 …or cats…

#3 They’re incredibly rude.

#4 Their smiles won’t cheer you up at all.

#5 They’re such mean-looking dogs.

#6 Like, seriously mean.

#7 They have no patience.

#8 They’re always plotting something.

#9 They have no sense of fun.

#10 They certainly don’t deserve a loving home.

#11 They totally don’t need your love and affection.

#12 In fact, they’re absolutely terrifying.

#13 They’re not good with children…

#14 …or cows…

#15 …or wildlife.

#16 They’re extremely dangerous, even as puppies.

#17 They can’t stand to be hugged.

#18 They’ll upstage you with their dress sense.

#19 They’re terrible kissers.

#20 They’re impossible to train.

#21 Plus they’re really lazy.