There are so many things that you should know before getting a Basset Hound. For starters, Basset Hounds only love two things; lounging around your home and cuddling. As they grow old, they become less active which means, more cuddles for you.
Do you think it's going to end there? No, here are 17 things you should know before getting a Basset Hound.
The biggest challenge is having the willpower not to get more.
#1 Lots of patience. It will be worth it.

#2 Get ready for shedding 24/7

#3 They will have you trained in no time at all!

#4 Prepare for tons of slobbery kisses!

#5 Get ready to meet the love of your life!

#6 Get a really good vacuum!

#7 They think with their nose!

#8 Whatever you’re expecting, it will be different!

#9 They love their sleep and could sleep for 16 hours...

#10 Prepare to laugh constantly!!

#11 Don’t underestimate their small stature… they are quite tall when it comes to counter surfing..