While Boxer Dogs are one of the popular dog breeds globally, you might be shocked to know that they are the worst type of dogs to live with.
Save yourself from dealing with these 16 reasons why these scary creatures are the worst to live with.
#1 They hate to cuddle.

#2 They have menacing eyes.

#3 Just look at them!

#4 They hate napping.

#5 Faking it. Whatever.

#6 They take your stuff without asking.

#7 Give it back, dude.

#8 And they ruin all of your happy moments.

#9 Yep.

#10 Let’s not talk about the damage they do to your personal items.

#11 Say sayonara to your car!

#12 They love picking on smaller animals.

#13 That means you can’t take them outside.

#14 No more strolls in the park for you.

#15 They won’t ever love you.