15 Surprising Facts You Probably Don’t Know About Dachshunds
Published: by Annette Bondar · This post may contain affiliate links
Its no secret that Dachshunds (also known as, Weiner Dog) are one of the most popular dog breed from all over the world. But there are still some amazing facts about them that you didn't know. Here are 15 surprrising facts about them!
#1 There are different 15 colors and 6 combinations these dogs come in
#2 “Dachs” translates like “badger” and “hund” means “dog”. So, Dachshunds are badger dogs
#3 You can find these dogs in three different sizes: standard (32 pounds), average and mine (11 pounds)
#4 There are also 3 types of coats. These dogs can have longhaired, smooth and wire-haired coats
#5 Dachshunds are dogs that were the first Olympic mascot (1972) Treats, please?
#6 These dogs can leave up to 20 years
#7 They love to eat a lot but have small stomachs. So, they are not allowed to eat too much to avoid different problems
#8 Dachshunds are the smallest hunting dogs on Earth
#9 They love to jump a lot and that is why can have lots of problems with their backs
#10 Dachshund can become a really great watchdog
#11 It is considered that hot dogs were named after the dogs of this breed
#12 A Dachshund has become the first cloned dog in Great Britain Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the prettiest of them all?
#13 These dogs are athletic; it is a bad idea to make them behave like lapdogs
#14 They can be prone to hereditary disease and different back issues
#15 Dachshunds have surprisingly much bigger bark that you can expect
Can you resist those sweet eyes?