Aside from the fact that Greyhounds are speedy dogs that have the reputation of being the fastest dog breed on Earth and with loyal, loving, and surprisingly, low-key. There's actually more to them that you probably didn't know.
Here are 15 cool facts about Greyhounds.
#1 The coat of a Greyhound comes in 15 different colors and patterns 
#2 A Greyhound’s long, muscular legs make it very uncomfortable for them to assume a sit position 
#3 The Greyhound is an ancient dog breed 
#4 Gray is a color rarely found in this breed, and the few who are gray are referred to as blue 
#5 Greyhounds run in what is called a double suspension gallop 
#6 It’s also possible that gray was the original color of the breed 
#7 The Greyhound is the only dog breed mentioned in the Bible 
#8 Originally bred to hunt deer, wolves, and other large animals 
#9 They don’t require a lot of exercises and make perfect apartment pets for the right family 
#10 Greyhounds have a universal blood type which makes them perfect blood donors 
#11 The skin of a Greyhound is thinner than other dog breeds, which makes it more susceptible to cuts and tears 
#12 Greyhounds are smart, loyal, affectionate, calm, gentle, graceful, athletic, and sensitive dogs 
#13 They can see what is behind them 
#14 These medium-sized dogs have no problem climbing into your lap and asking to be picked up 
#15 They are couch potatoes