If you are a Schnauzer owner you would totally agree that these unique bearded dogs, despite their snobby appearance actually have a very friendly and loving nature. Learn more about them in this article.
Table of Contents
#1 Schnauzers come from Germany, instead of the British Isles.

#2 They have great hearing

#3 They can hear frequencies twice as high as humans.

#4 Wire hair keeps the dirt off?

#5 Schnauzers were bred to hunt rats.

#6 The name is German.

#7 These little dogs have big voices.

#8 They bark when they’re happy, sad, or just bored.

#9 Sometimes schnauzers can be bouncing off the walls…

#10 And the next they will be snuggling up to you for a nap.

#11 The thick whiskers protected the Schnauzer from being bitten by the vermin

#12 Bob and Elizabeth Dole are known for their love of schnauzers.

#13 Their name means “Snout”?

#14 They worked for the German Army.