Great Danes are a wonderful breed. They love to spend time with their family members and are generally very gentle and sweet.
With their sweet nature, they try to be lap dogs and aren't seem aware of their large size.
Here are 14 reasons why Great Danes will improve your life both physically and emotionally.
Table of Contents
#1 Great Dane increase your mood dramatically!

#2 Having Great Dane improves your physical wellbeing and encourages a fitness routine

#3 Having a dog may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

#4 Dane protects your children from skin conditions and allergies.

#5 Great Danes are fantastic family companion

#6 They are very good with small children

#7 Danes help increase social interactions.

#8 There’s never a boring moment.

#9 Great Dane may save your life.

#10 Stressed at work? Let me introduce you one cute puppy.

#11 Having a Great Dane makes YOU more awesome!