If you've ever come across a Husky, you already know how elegant and noble they are. There are so many reasons why Huskies are the most impressive and noble dog breeds, but we've broken it down to 14 reasons and with photos.
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#1 It’s a widely known fact that huskies are the most regal and majestic dogs alive.

#2 They have incredible poise, like ballerinas on a tight rope in zero gravity.

#3 Yep, huskies sure are a special breed.

#4 Truly majestic.

#5 Almost as good as they are at drinking water.

#6 Speaking of sleeping, Huskies are GREAT at it.

#7 Even when asleep, they look stunning in photographs.

#8 Huskies are painfully photogenic.

#9 FACT: An embarrassing picture of a husky has never been taken. They have no bad angles.

#10 The best thing about huskies is they don’t need to be the center of attention. There could be a husky in the room with you right now and you’d never know it.

#11 Huskies are incredibly intelligent. No husky in history has scored less than a 22,000 on their SATs.

#12 Their fashion sense is inspiring. They are all miniature, furry Beyoncés.

#13 Huskies are NOT clingy. They are strong, independent dogs.

#14 They are so calm under pressure.