Are you a fan of Golden Retrievers? Well, who doesn't? Golden Retrievers are friendly, tolerant, and intelligent dogs who'll happily flash their Golden smile to anyone. But, most importantly, they make playful yet gentle playmates for children.
Because Golden Retrievers are popular breeds, they are often mixed with other dog breeds.
Here are 14 gorgeous Golden Retriever mix breeds.
Table of Contents
#1 Sheptriever

#2 Huskytriever

#3 Dachriever

#4 Retgi

#5 Boxiever

#6 Pomeriever

#7 Rethuahua

#8 Basset Retriever

#9 Jack Retriever

#10 Ret Tzu

#11 Retcollie

#12 Schtriever

#13 Retspaniel

#14 Ret Pei