Are you a Corgi parent? Then, you're one lucky hooman to live an extraordinary life with Corgis!
There's a lot of reasons why Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth loved a Corgi and still has a pack of them lounging around the palace, but in this article, we're going to share with you a few of the funny advantages of owning a Corgi!
#1 Corgi is a true lover of beautiful flowers

#2 Corgi is your personal Sherlock Holmes

#3 Corgi is cheerful and friendly

#4 You always have someone to speak to when you are driving somewhere

#5 You don`t have to try if the cucumber is bitter. Your Corgi will do it!

#6 Corgi is your handsome pair for the party

#7 Corgi girls are such girls!

#8 You have your personal alive alarm clock

#9 … and housekeeper

#10 Corgi is true shopaholic

#11 Corgi always has some ideas for you

#12 Corgi will occupy your bed and your pillow

#13 Corgis will be offended if you tell them to get out of bed

#14 Corgi will be happy to watch a new movie with you