Have you ever come across a Keeshond, or do you actually own one? Then you already know how lovely, alert, intelligent, and adaptable these dogs are. But if you haven't owned one, this article might make you want to get you one.
Here are 14 facts about Keeshonds that will make your heart smile!
#1 They are so beautiful and make be the perfect addition to your outlook 
#2 They have a double-coat

#3 Keeshonds look like cute bears 
#4 They are very loyal and devoted 
#5 They shed twice a year?

#6 This little creature is a good watchdog?

#7 Keeshond is a calm breed?

#8 They are very cool and self-confident 
#9 They are friendly!

#10 They need a lot of attention

#11 Their demand for affection is high

#12 Their personality is delightful 
#13 It’s an old breed.