There's more to Bengal Cats than their leopard print and wild looks. For starters, they love to cuddle and play. If you want to know more about them, here are 14 facts about them that you probably didn't know.
#1 They are homely and smart but can be persistent if you do not give them what they need.
#2 Playful and with a musical voice.
#3 Do not be afraid to own such a cat because later generations are not more aggressive than any other cats.
#4 They behave like dogs, they come running when you call, bring toys so you can play with them, and are able to master tricks.
#5 Sometimes they master tricks that you don’t like: how to open doors and cranes.
#6 They are not afraid of strangers. They like to sniff and examine them.
#7 They are always ready to play, they like to climb as high as possible and do not like to sit still.
#8 They love freedom and do not like restrictions.
#9 They love water, like wild leopards (they are excellent swimmers), play with a trickle of water running from
the tap.
#10 They are attached to one person, whom they consider the owner.
#11 When they are bored, they like to tear things apart and hide them.
#12 They are quiet, but if they start to make sounds, then they can’t do it with a simple meow.
#13 They are one of the most beautiful and expensive cats in the world.
#14 Dealing with a Bengal cat, you will have about the same feeling as with a 5-year-old baby.
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