A cross between Dachshund and Cocker Spaniel makes a small to medium-sized independent but still very affectionate and loving Spaniel-Doxie or Docker.
If you want to see more of this hybrid, take a look at these 14 photos of them!
#1 Dachshund / Cocker Spaniel Mixed Breed Dog

#2 Spaniel-Doxie dog

#3 Docker puppy

#4 Docker

#5 Dachshund / Cocker Spaniel Mix

#6 Plain Black Docker dog

#7 Cute Docker

#8 Spaniel-Doxie
#9 Dachshund / Cocker Spaniel Mixed Dog
#10 Adorable Docker
#11 Playful Spaniel-Doxie
#12 Spaniel-Doxie
#13 Cute Spaniel-Doxie
#14 Curly Spaniel-Doxie