Find the best pet name by browsing our list of powerful dog names.

- Stallone
- Pistol
- Diesel
- Kane
- Hulk
- Odin
- Escobar
- Nero
- Jax
- Khan
- Meatball
- Rubbles
- Gunner
- Kodiak
- Rooster
- Indiana (Indy)
- Fang
- Tex
- Stretch
- Edgar
- Arnold (Schwarzenegger)
- Beast
- Jupiter
- Hawkeye
- Nails
- Hades
- Vince
- Jesse James
- Gaston
- Wolverine
- Ivan
- King
- Griffin
- Zeus
- Jaws

- Zod
- McGruff
- Porkchop
- Sarge
- Lennox
- Jordon
- Midas
- Hyde
- Koopa
- Tank
- Neo
- Kong
- Flash
- Midnight
- Goliath
- Kong
- Axel
- Lancelot
- T-Rex
- Ghost
- Sid Vicious
- Ninja
- Bear
- Gorilla
- Fang
- Bamm-Bamm
- Nixon
- Brute
- Echo
- Hulk
- Mick
- Ulysses
- Marshall
- Hunter
- Leo
- Hagrid (Harry Potter series)
- Macbeth
- Laika
- Thor
- Bandit
- Jedi
- Knuckles
- Spinks
- Jeckyll
- Hercules
- Conan
- Dozer
- Deke
- K-9
- Killer
- Judge
- Crumbles
- Ice
- John Rambo
- Hulk
- Hooch

- Spike
- Moose
- Mack (Mac)
- Jimbo
- Max
- Tarzan
- Xander
- Nyx
- Beefy
- Joker
- Vlad
- Hudson
- Igor
- Gonzo
- Govenor
- Maverick
- Hamlet
- Highlander
- Herc (Hercules)
- Harry
- Mufasa
- Murph
- Shaq (Shaquille O’Neal)
- Justice
- Roman
- Drax

- Montana
- Kojak
- Maddox
- Maximus
- Floyd
- Doyle
- Hendrix
- Fender
- Harley
- Max
- Lincoln
- Clark (Kent, Superman)
- Paco