Looking for the best dog names? Then look no further! Here is the complete list of popular male and female dog names that start with the letter H.

- Honeysuckle
- Humdinger
- Hilda
- Holofernes
- Hugo
- Hawk
- Hardy
- Hooligan
- Heather
- Hersilia
- Haskell
- Hammuel
- Hope
- Hermia
- Hippo
- Hard Rock
- Heaven
- Havana
- Ham
- Hollywood
- Harpo
- Huck
- Hot Dog
- Hoover
- Hector
- Honey Bear
- Herodotus
- Hosidius
- Hefty
- Homar
- Honky-Tonk
- Hood
- Hershey
- Hermes
- Hamor
- Heartbreaker
- Hoagie
- Hero
- Hickory
- Haley
- Hermit
- Hook
- Hebron
- Happy Feet
- Hazer
- Honey
- Hearts
- Hister
- Hammer
- Hannah
- Hubba Hubba
- Hansel
- Hotstuff
- Harmony
- Helvidius
- Horatio
- Hog
- Hambone
- Homey
- Hurricane
- Hermione

- Hyde
- Hawkeye
- Howler
- Horace
- Howard
- Houdini
- Heiress
- Homullus
- Havoc
- Hippodrome
- Honoratus
- Hortensio
- Helvius
- Heraklesr
- Helios
- Hamlet
- Happy
- Hedgehog
- Hooch
- Honorius
- Heron
- Hoofman
- Hinkley
- Hercules
- Homeboy
- Hotshot
- Hobo
- Holly
- Harim
- Herennius
- Humphrey
- Hermes
- Hunter
- Hephaestus
- Houdain
- Hannibal
- Hocus-Pocus
- Hulk
- Homer
- Herman
- Hora
- Hancock
- Honeybee
- Honcho
- Hadrian
- Hubble
- Hecate
- Huntress

- Handsome
- Hesper
- Hippolyta
- Harvey
- Hesperos
- Hatita
- Hudson
- Hortensius
- Heathcliff
- Harley
- Hobbit