It's always a funny feeling when you're being watched. It even gets creepy when it's coming from a stranger but if it's from your own Dachshund, it's weird, especially if you don't know why. Well, there are lots of reasons why your Dachshund constantly stares at you, and we broke them down into 12 reasons.
After reading this article, we hope you'll know what's going on if your Doxie locks his eye on you.
#1 “Why are we doing this? I was sleeping…”

#2 The infamous dachshund side-eye!

#3 “Omg please don’t ever leave me, my hooman.”

#4 Why must you take so many photos of me hooman. I’d much rather get snackies.

#5 “Did you find what I did wrong face?”

#6 Oh yes, ha ha.. that doxie look.. Very cute.

#7 Am I a joke to you?

#8 Ok, what did you do wrong, were you late with the second breakfast?