Are you a Cocker Spaniel parent, or have you just recently gotten yourself one? While they are the most cheerful and cuddly companion, you'll ever have, but just like any other dog, they come with potential issues too!
We hate to say this, but some things make Cocker Spaniels concerning and should be taken seriously. So what are we talking about? Here are 14 reasons why.
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#1 They have a crazy tennis ball obsession.

#2 Snowy ears

#3 Cuteness. Seriously, if I take them out in public I have to plan on being stopped no matter where we go.

#4 He has better hair than me… , with most people I know! Look at that shiny coat!

#5 They match your energy. The dogs are just as happy napping as they are going for a run.

#6 They like people. Seriously friendly breed.

#7 Grooming.

#8 The high energy can make training sort of hard.

#9 Lots of energy. If you are a couch potato, probably not the best breed.

#10 They will get in your face. Their is no ignoring them.

#11 They are quiet. While this is nice if you live in an apartment, don’t expect a watchdog.

#12 The info and advice I’ve gathered so far suggest that a cocker spaniel would probably be a great match.