We hope this list of Medieval dog names gives you an idea on naming your puppy.

- Inca (ancient civilization in South America)
- Jane Pawsten (Jane Austen, English novelist)
- Jacques (Jacques Cousteau, French ocean explorer)
- Romeo Monatawoof (Romeo Monatague, a character from a Shakespeare novel)
- Casanova (Giacomo Casanova, Italian author)
- Gulliver (fictional book character)
- Midas (mythical King)
- Xerxes (Xerxes the Great of Persia)
- Titan (in Greek mythology, they ruled the world before the Olympians)
- Haira (Hera, Zeus’ wife and sister in Greek mythology)
- Hairy Houdini (Harry Houdini, a magician)
- Attila (Attila the Hun)
- Isabella (Queen of Spain)
- Troubadour (Performer of old lyrical poetry)
- Kerouac (Jack Kerouac)

- Donatello (Italian Renaissance artist)
- Alexandra (Alexandra Feodorovna, Russian Empress)
- Salvadore Doggi (Salvador Dali, Spanish painter)
- Dickens (Charles Dickens, English author)
- Imelda (Spanish saint)
- Goliath (warrior in the Bible)
- Cicero (a Roman philosopher)
- Elizabeth (Queen of England)
- Dante (Italian Poet)
- Seneca (Roman philosopher)
- Albone Einstein (Albert Einstein)
- Harriet (Tubman, Beecher Stowe)
- Delilah (character in the Bible)

- Rosa Barks (Rosa Parks)
- Hester (Hester Prynne, main character in the Scarlet Letter)
- Bo (President Obama’s family dog)
- Leif Ericsbone (Leif Ericson, viking explorer)
- Furley Temple (Shirley Temple)
- Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus, a Roman poet)
- Brunhild (Royal woman of the Visigoths)
- Woofgang (Wolfgang Mozart, an Austrian composer)
- Cleopawtra (Cleopatra, the last Pharaoh of Egypt)
- Chekhov (Anton Chekhov, Russian author)
- Geronimo (Apache tribe leader)
- Howlen (Helen of Troy)
- Trojan (The Trojan War in Greece)
- Michelangelo (Italian Renaissance artist)
- Shiba (queen of Shiba in the Bible)
- Julius (Julius Caesar, a Roman)
- Sock-rates (Socrates, Greek philosopher)
- Byron (Lord Byron, English poet)
- Wilhelmina (Netherlands Queen)
- Quintus (Quintus Horatius Flaccus, a Roman poet)
- Rafael (Italian Renaissance artist)
- Aphra (Aphra Behn, first professional female writer)
- Verbona (Verona, city in Italy, setting for Romeo & Juliet)
- Jezebel (princess in the Bible)
- Rococo (18th century artistic movement)
- Amelia (Amelia Earhart, American pilot)
- Yuma (American Indian Tribe)

- Avigdor (Biblical name)
- Hannibal Barka (Hannibal Barca, Punic Carthaginian military commander)
- Patton (George Patton, a U.S. General)
- DaVinci (Leonardo DaVinci)
- Crockett (Davey Crockett, American frontiersman)
- Benjiman Franklin (Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father of the U.S.)
- Hoover (J. Edgar Hoover)
- Pawgustus (Augustus, first Roman Emperor)
- Ajax (Greek hero)
- Tesla (Nikola Tesla, a Serbian American inventor)
- Nero (Roman emperor)
- Sigmund Flead (Sigmund Frued, Austrian neurologist)
- Guinevere (Queen of King Arthur)
- Brutus (Roman politician)
- Napawleon (Napoleon Bonaparte of France)
- Magdalena (from Mary Magdalene, of the Bible)
- Genghis (Genghis Khan, Mongolian emperor)
- Portia (character in a Shakespeare novel)
- Octavia (sister of Augustus)
- Abel (first son of Adam and Eve)
- Homer (Greek poet)
- Chompin (Frédéric Chopin, French-Polish composer)
- Lincoln (Abraham Lincoln)
- Bach (Johann Sebastian Bach, German composer)
- Ulassie (Ulysses, a warrior in the Trojan War)
- Dogphi (Delphi, a place in Greece, where the oracle allegedly lived)
- Winston Furchill (Winston Churchill, British Prime Minister)
- Guinevere (Queen consort of King Arthur)

- Excalibur (fictional sword of King Arthur)
- Florence (Florence Nightingale, founder of modern nursing)
- Ares (God of war)
- Ursa (constellation)
- Golda (Israeli politician)
- Beethoven (Ludwig van Beethoven, German composer)
- Rosie (Rosie the Riveter)
- George Washingbone (George Washington, 1st President of the United States)
- Pawsephone (Persephone, daughter of Zeus in Greek mythology)
- Plato (Greek philosopher)
- Beauregard (Confederate military officer)
- Joan of Barks (Joan of Arc)
- Voltaire (French writer and philosopher)
- Venus (planet and Roman goddess)
- Pawris (son of the King and Queen of Troy in Greece)
- Pharaoh (name for Kings of ancient Egypt)
- Rover Cleveland (Grover Cleveland, U.S. President)